Belle Chasse Elementary School Home

Principal's Message

Welcome to Belle Chasse Elementary School!  As we begin this journey together, I ask for your
full support in educating your child. The faculty and staff of Belle Chasse Elementary School
commits themselves to having high standards and rigorous instruction for all students. We
work hard to provide a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment where students
can learn to become independent and respectful citizens. This is a tremendous job that must
be shared with parents and families. The role of parents is a vital one in helping their child
develop a positive attitude about school. Research shows that a nurturing, structured and
consistent environment helps children to be successful. Here are a few helpful suggestions:

• Create a regular routine in the evening to set out uniforms, shoes, belt, school bag, etc. to help the
morning start smooth.
• Adhere to a set bedtime routine and quiet time before bed.
• Wake up early so that all of the morning activities can be completed in a calm manner and children
can be on time for the school.
• Model for children how to establish a quiet location to complete homework. Have pencils, paper and
other necessary supplies readily available. Encourage children to complete homework tasks in some
order of priority. (Sometimes, it is best to do the least favorite task first.)
• Help children to learn to use a planning calendar and notebook to keep track of weekly, monthly or
large assignments and projects.
• After reading a book or an article, have a discussion with children to help them with comprehension.
Ask your children to tell you what the story was about, why the story interested them and perhaps
how it might relate to their own lives.
At BCES our expectations are high, but our students will see success because of the support
they receive at school, at home and in the community. The faculty and staff are available to
assist you and your child in any way possible. I am committed to a leadership of continued
excellence for Belle Chasse Elementary School. Please contact me if I can be of assistance to
you and your family. I wish you a wonderful school year!
With much respect,
Mrs. Holly F. Eiswirth

News & Announcements

Meet and Greet Featured Photo

Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet is set for Tuesday, August 6th from 1:00-3:30!
We are Hiring! Featured Photo

We are Hiring!

We are hiring! Are you interested in working at Belle Chasse Elementary School?Visit our district's employment portal to see what positions we have open.
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year Opens May 28th! Featured Photo

Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year Opens May 28th!

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on Tuesday, May 28th. Registration hours are from 9 AM- 1 PM.  Please call the school to make sure the school counselor is available to accept registration.  School office: 504-595-6620.  

Students enrolled at BCES and BCPS do NOT need to re-register for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade unless you received a residency letter to update proofs of residency.
pencil sharpener and shavings